Vespa Smallframes
Happy Christmas Vespa Smallframe owners!
model guides tech tips image galleries links and stuff is the leading source for information on Smallframe Vespa scooters.

It covers all Vespa smallframe models from the 50 up to the 125 Primavera ET3, and also the subsequent PK range.

Happy Christmas Vespa Smallframe owners!

If you have any bookmarks or links pointing to the old address, please update them to point to this page.

I started this site because back in 2000 or so there simply was no smallframe technical advice either on the web, or in printed form. I gathered what little info there was from the rest of the world, notably Japan and Germany, and from the Vespa Smallframes Yahoo group and armed with a camera, some tools and a scooter, I documented every job that I did on my scooter (and some I didn't) so that others could benefit from my experience.

In the intervening years the smallframe world has moved on considerably. Italy has rekindled its love afair with the smallframe Vespa, and the Germans have been producing quality upgrades for suspension and electrical systems which I could only have dreamed of a decade ago. Some of them are going on my bike The ET3, for so long left unloved, is now undergoing a full restoration and upgrade at Project 13 scooters run by my friends Trevor and Ben. Watch this space for more updates...